Banned boat names to avoid

Personalizing a boat by giving it a name is a tradition as old as sailing itself. This tradition has long been carried by Greek, Romans,Phoenicians and everywhere else. The people used to name their vessels after Gods and powerful forces as a way of asking for long life at sea and bringing good luck to … Read more

Who is responsible for performing the pre-departure check up of a recreational boat

Safety measures are one of the foremost considerations before venturing into open water. A significant and crucial step before departing is performing the pre departure check up of a boat in order to ensure safety while navigating into the sea. The question arises that who bears the responsibility of performing this crucial task of performing … Read more

Cleaning Pontoons with vinegar

Cleaning pontoons was a great challenge back in time. People used to spend entire days cleaning every little corner of the pontoons and every single thing of the boat used to come out in order to achieve a shiny and attractive surface. Beside being a tiresome task it was also expensive to use different kinds … Read more

While Boating, You See A Red Flag With A White Diagonal Stripe, What Does This Flag Mean?

Sometimes while travelling on road there happen to be the signs known as “warning signs”, “speed-limit signs”, “hazard signs” etc, these signs are there to make the driver cautious of the upcoming threat. In the same manner, travelling by air has its own precautionary measure and  the same phenomena happens while boating but in a … Read more